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Join The Care Directory

We are thrilled that you have taken an interest in joining our exceptional community. 

Your decision to be a part of this groundbreaking initiative is a testament to your commitment to making a difference in the lives of individuals affected by diabetes. 


To be included, kindly provide the following information accurately. After completing the form process, your profile information will undergo a review, and you will receive a notification upon its publication. The review process may require an average of 10 business days to be finalized.

Contact Information

This section will be used to display your contact information on the directory, and may the primary way visitors and patients may contact you. 

Use the same format as above for consistency and clarity.


Practice & Organization Information

This section will be used to display information about your practice, the type of services you provide, 

Provider Highlights and Information

This section will be used to highlight personal and professional highlights about the provider.

Please include up to 5 bullet points. 1000 characters.

Please include up to 5 bullet points. 1000 characters.

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