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Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes


Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes


5 Cedar St, P.O Box 792 Hopkinton, Massachusetts


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Populations Served

360 represents completion. At 360Girls&Women® we provide personalized insight to help girls and women dramatically improve their wellbeing.

Our mission is to provide evidence-based information and services to help maximize a woman's complete health through the complete life-cycle - preventing and reversing certain reproductive and chronic illnesses- using nutrition as the foundation along with other innovative holistic practices.


Our holistic approaches uniquely applies to adolescent girls, young women, and older women. We also dedicate a specialty section to focus on motherhood (planning, becoming, & beyond).

Focus Areas

Our focus areas include: PCOS, Gestataional Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Infertility, Irregular periods, prenatal, maternal and postpartum nutrition, weight loss/Weight gain, gut/digestive health, sports nutrition, brain health, food sensitives/intolerances, heart health, cancer prevention, nutrition for cancer management, health equity, Afro-caribbean cuisiness and meal planning.


Sue-Ellen Anderson-Haynes, MS, RD, CDCES, LDN, WFS-NASM CPT is an award winning, nationally recognized nutrition expert, leading global expert in Gestational Diabetes, mother, wife, author, health writer, recipe developer, health speaker, diabetes and fitness expert, and holistic plant-based women’s health registered dietitian of over 15 years. She has appeared on national radio, television, online and print in outlets such as SiriusXM, NBC10 Boston, CNBC, PubMed, Harvard Health Publishing, Forbes Health, Wallstreet Journal, WebMD, Readers Digest, Huffington Post and more. She actively works with various organizations on the local, state, and national levels in the areas of nutrition, black maternal health, health equity and women's health. She is the National Media Spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, founder and CEO of 360Girls&Women® - a holistic health, and wellness company for girls and women, Executive Director of B.E.A.T Gestational Diabetes™ Inc, a 501( c)(3) nonprofit and co-founder of cultured health– a global digital healthcare app that connects dietitians to clients based on culture.

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