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Adrienne Maye
Moving Forward with Diabetes Management, LLC
1300 Ridenour Boulevard Suite 100 Kennesaw, Georgia
Preferred Contact Method:
Populations Served
- People Living with Prediabetes
Focus Areas
- Prediabetes/Lifestyle Changes and Management
I am Adrienne Maye, owner of Moving Forward with Diabetes Management, LLC (MFDM), Registered Nurse and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) with 20+ years' experience in various settings including Population Health Management, Outpatient Nurse Case Manager and Inpatient and Outpatient Diabetes Education.
With Diabetes affecting millions in the USA the goal of MFDM is to provide education and guidance for those living with prediabetes. One of my Whys for starting my business included my family. I have family members currently diagnosed and have lost family members related to Diabetes, Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) also called Mini stroke, Stroke, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and other complications associated with Diabetes. I was determined to create something that would educate, help advocate for people living with diabetes and simplify the medical jargon that may be explained during initial diagnosis.
In my day-to-day role, there was only so much I could do to help. I needed to do more. I decided to create systems and programs that didn’t exist to empower those with prediabetes to make a lifestyle change and to stick with it!
After publishing my first book Beating the Sugar B.E.A.S.T., establishing my business and finally leaving corporate behind, I have dedicated my time to helping people like you take control of your prediabetes and start to see the transformation you desire. My online coaching signature program, Take Charge and Balance has already helped several people to make significant lifestyle changes. I am ready to help you move toward a healthier lifestyle and make the changes to manage your prediabetes diagnosis.